Payment of the DmD contribution

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Payment of the DmD contribution

Post by SteveA » Fri Nov 09, 2018 11:25 pm

Unfortunately, there have been some cases where the full amount has not been paid. Please take care when using PayPal or IBAN.

We know that for Paypal, if you select "United Kingdom" as the recipient country, a mask with two options will be displayed:

1) If you enter the sum in Pounds into the mask, the sum in Euros that you have to pay will be displayed.

2) If you enter the sum in Euros, Paypal will show you the amount in Pounds the recipient receives.

Please make sure that the full amount is paid.

If someone makes an underpayment, we will contact the person and ask him / her to pay the missing money while registering in Paignton.
DmD 2003 and counting


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